Of course, our awesome visit to Turkey wouldn't be so awesome if there weren't for some laugheable moments, right? The lithuanians members picked photos at which they lol'ed the most! So here they are! Let's Laugh Out Loud!

Say cheese~

by Stas Chacaturov

Help me find my lost button in there

by Arina Fediai


by Sergey Moskaliov

Annoying Sergio

by Arseniy Chekranov

Russian Grandma

by Gulnara Agajeva

No comment!

by Julija Garus


by Edgar Jezerskiy

Sergio the Great One

by Anastasija Sheleng

Our faces can tell everything!

by Aleksandra Surmina

Wasn't me~

by artiom Akimov

Almighty Tarik

by Anastasija Ivaschenko